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Accueil Pétitions Pétitions animaux Pour l'interdiction de la cruauté envers les chevaux Tenessee Walkers

Pour l'interdiction de la cruauté envers les chevaux Tenessee Walkers

5.124 signatures
Pour l'interdiction de la cruauté envers les chevaux Tenessee Walkers
5.124 signatures
Auteur :
Auteur(s) :
Magali Puech
Destinataire(s) :
Mr Barack Obama, Président des Etats -Unis d' Amérique
La pétition
Nous demandons par la présente pétition à Mr Barack Obama de bien vouloir faire cesser les cruautés sur les chevaux Tenesse Walkers et de faire punir sévèrement l'entraîneur Jackie McConnell ainsi que tous ses associés reconnus nationalement pour leur cruauté envers les chevaux .
La france vous regarde et nous ne pouvons que vous rappeler la phrase de Gandhi :

" c'est à la façon dont il traite les animaux que l'on juge un pays "

Cette pétition vient soutenir l'action de : Horse Abuse Video Exposes Shocking Cruelty

dont voici le texte en anglais :

An HSUS undercover investigation at a training barn for Tennessee Walking horses led to state and federal criminal charges against nationally known trainer Jackie McConnell and some of his associates. The group was charged with felony conspiracy to violate the Horse Protection Act as well as numerous violations of the Tennessee Cruelty to Animals Statute after being videotaped using caustic chemicals on the front legs of horses in order to cause pain, resulting in the artificially produced high-stepping gait that wins prizes in the show ring.

This cruel practice is called "soring" and has been illegal for more than 40 years under the federal Horse Protection Act. The HSUS undercover video shows horses being whipped, kicked, shocked in the face, and violently cracked across their skulls and legs with heavy wooden sticks during and after soring of their front legs. Unless the Horse Protection Act is upgraded to include stronger penalties for this type of horrendous abuse and to end the failed system of industry self-policing, inhumane trainers will continue to torture horses.


Notre message est le suivant :

* Subject:
Dear Legislator,

According to Tennessee Walking Horse industry insiders, abuse known as "soring" is common in a sport that too often rewards the artificially produced gait/step known as the "Big Lick." Tennessee Walking Horses sometimes suffer appalling pain inflicted by unethical, law-breaking trainers who try to gain a competitive edge at horse shows by enhancing the breed's natural gait. Horses are tortured with caustic chemicals, sharp objects, and other painful training methods that violate federal law. See the footage from a recent undercover investigation by the Humane Society of the United States here:

Congress passed the Horse Protection Act more than 40 years ago to protect horses from painful soring, yet this abuse continues unabated. A 2010 audit by the USDA Office of the Inspector General exposed how trainers in the industry go to great lengths to evade detection rather than comply with federal law and train horses using humane methods. The audit recommended stiffer penalties and eliminating the flawed system of industry self-policing. As a constituent, I urge you to support these needed reforms and pass legislation to fix the gaps in the Horse Protection Act so it can be meaningfully enforced.

Thank you for your consideration.

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285 commentaires
Jjf - Le 31/05/2012 à 14:39:52
Mister Obahama, montrez votre humanité contre la barbarie ! montrez que les USA peuvent être un grand pays digne !
0 0
Madeleine - Le 31/05/2012 à 15:14:38
paix et amour pour nos animaux .Je parle pour eux j'agis pour eux.....
0 0
Andree - Le 31/05/2012 à 15:44:01
Incroyable cruauté.
0 0
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Accueil Pétitions Pétitions animaux Pour l'interdiction de la cruauté envers les chevaux Tenessee Walkers