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Accueil Pétitions Pétitions autres Petition for the Return of Classic Non-Programmable Calculators in Our School

Petition for the Return of Classic Non-Programmable Calculators in Our School

Petition for the Return of Classic Non-Programmable Calculators in Our School Pétition
50 signatures
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Auteur(s) :
Students in second year at escp
Destinataire(s) :
To the Administration of ESCP Madrid
La pétition

Petition for the Return of Classic Non-Programmable Calculators in Our School

To the Administration of ESCP Madrid,

We, the students in the second year bachelors in Madrid, wish to express our concerns regarding the use of programmable calculators imposed in our school. While we understand the importance of familiarizing ourselves with advanced technological tools, these calculators have proven to be counterproductive in our daily learning experience.


The calculators currently provided by the school are complex, unintuitive, and a frequent source of frustration for many of us. Due to their difficult-to-navigate interface, they often lead to more errors, increase stress during exams, and considerably slow down our classwork. This situation hampers our focus and limits our progress in mathematics and other subjects requiring precise calculations.

Our Requests

We respectfully request the reintroduction of classic, non-programmable calculators for all students. These simpler models allow us to focus on solving problems rather than struggling with the tool itself. We believe that with this change, we could work more efficiently and with greater peace of mind.

Reasons for Our Request

-Reduction of Errors 
: A simpler calculator minimizes the risk of mistakes due to the complexity of the device.

-Time Efficiency : Less time spent figuring out how to use the tool means more time to focus on the content.

-Decreased Stress and Frustration: Using a familiar, easy-to-use device reduces negative feelings that can interfere with learning.


We strongly believe that returning to classic, non-programmable calculators would benefit all students and contribute to a more positive and equitable learning environment.

We thank you for considering our request, and we hope for a favorable response to help foster a less stressful and more constructive educational setting for all students in second year bachelors 

50 signatures
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1 commentaires
Le 31/10/2024 à 10:38:37
I do agree with that petition and support students .Programmable calculators are not good at all!
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