Petition Description: Extend Acqua Gym’s Opening Hours by at Least One Hour a Day
We respectfully ask the Conseil Échevinal of the Municipality of Differdange to take action and advocate for extending the opening hours of the Acquasud facility by at least one hour daily. This would allow the gym and swimming pool to remain open until 10 PM on weekdays and until 8 PM on weekends.
Currently, while the official closing time is 9 PM on weekdays, users are required to leave the gym or pool by 8:30 PM. This schedule is too restrictive for those who work long hours or face traffic delays, leaving them little time to enjoy the facilities. The same issue applies to weekends, particularly for those working shifts, who would significantly benefit from the proposed extended hours.
As Acquasud is jointly owned by private stakeholders and the Municipality of Differdange, this small but impactful adjustment would better address the community’s needs and improve accessibility for all. Let’s work together to make Acqua Gym more inclusive and convenient for everyone!
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