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Accueil Pétitions Pétitions sports Public apology by the French government and the French Association of Football

Public apology by the French government and the French Association of Football

Public apology by the French government and the French Association of Football Pétition
13 signatures
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Auteur :
Auteur(s) :
Neutral Fan
Destinataire(s) :
World in general, France in particular
La pétition
There may be good people in France but, following the event after Portugal's victory over France in the Euro 2016 Football Final, it became clear that many French people are sore losers, petty and despicable human beings.

Portugal won fair and square. They didn't score goals with their hands or broke any rule of the game.

Defensive play is a legitimate way to play.

If you have any fair complaints, it should be against the tournament system. Not against the team that won said tournament.

A football match can, by the rules, have up to 120 minutes of play, plus a penalty shootout. It's been like that for years. Portugal managed their stamina and fitness levels better than any opponent. They were smart. They deserve to be champions.

Unfortunately, there's a disgusting group of French supporters who have shown incredible lack of class and intelligence in the past few days, from refusing to light up the Eiffel Tower with the winner's colours, lying about the reason why they did it (Twitter was never part of the equation in previous matches), hurting Portuguese supporters (some are currently in hospital) and even sink so low as to make a petition to demand the game to be replayed.

How low can you go, France?

This petition is for the French government and French FA to show some humility and fair-play, by publicly apologizing to the Portuguese community, as well as to all TRUE fans of the sport who EXPECT fair play from all sides.

Thank you.
13 signatures
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5 commentaires
Le concombre - Le 12/07/2016 à 23:49:37
Aahh, at last someone who has not lost his mind. Thanks for your sensible thoughts and for bringing out a neutral point of view. It is so sad to see a great nation, which stands for "Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité" becoming that mean and ridiculous.
2 0
Apx - Le 13/07/2016 à 13:44:10
I refuse to write in french. It disgusts me. The French does not have in their vocabulary the term "fair play". They played a disgusting and filthy game. And now they want a rematchjQuery172008888884077090087_1468409983712? Please...give me a break. What they really can do is stick the Eiffel Tower up in their asses!!!
1 0
Le 12/07/2016 à 22:11:57
Because French are hypocrites and have no Respect (even though their own players wore the emblem of "Respect" on their sleeve. Sore losers that probably need some good cheese with their WHINE.
1 0
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Accueil Pétitions Pétitions sports Public apology by the French government and the French Association of Football