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Accueil Sondages Sondages social Are you for the return of a ferry between Dover (or Ramsgate) and Boulogne-sur-Mer ?

Are you for the return of a ferry between Dover (or Ramsgate) and Boulogne-sur-Mer ?

Are you for the return of a ferry between Dover (or Ramsgate) and Boulogne-sur-Mer ? Sondage
57 participants
Auteur : Ludovic Vincent

Boulogne sur mer is dying. Despite the new nausicaa this town has become poor and the shopkeepers as well. A ferry is needed to find back  the joy of this town. We , french citizens from boulogne love going to England but it is difficult for most of us to go to calais m. It is a Same  for English people who love going to France and especially in boulogne as they used to do in the past . Even if the brexit is coming,nothing prevent to have a new ferry link between boulogne and dover or why not Ramsgate. It may have a duty free back and it would be good for everyone. Don’t you think it would be nice ? You peoples from uk can you please give us your opinion through this survey? Economy is bad both sides so let’s try to give back a new try. together let us restore the purchasing power of all of us .Thanks everyone for your support love ludovic the frenchy
57 participants
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11 commentaires
Georgina - Le 22/02/2019 à 22:55:51
J’aimerais boucoup pouvoir visiter la France depart Ramsgate et aussie acceuir nos amis francais
Le 22/02/2019 à 12:57:37
Le 22/02/2019 à 13:25:19
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Accueil Sondages Sondages social Are you for the return of a ferry between Dover (or Ramsgate) and Boulogne-sur-Mer ?